Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Seven of the most important Sunni-led insurgent organisations fighting the US occupation in Iraq have agreed to form a public political alliance with the aim of preparing for negotiations in advance of an American withdrawal, their leaders have told the Guardian.

In their first interview with the western media since the US-British invasion of 2003, leaders of three of the insurgent groups - responsible for thousands of attacks against US and Iraqi armed forces and police - said they would continue their armed resistance until all foreign troops were withdrawn from Iraq, and denounced al-Qaida for sectarian killings and suicide bombings against civilians.
There you have it: they, too, oppose al-Qaida, and they say they will continue their attacks as long as we're there. That's not to say that they'll stop the attacks when we leave, but it is implied.
All three Sunni-based resistance leaders say they are acutely aware of the threat posed by sectarian division to the future of Iraq and emphasised the importance of working with Shia groups - but rejected any link with the Shia militia and parties because of their participation in the political institutions set up by the Americans and their role in sectarian killings.
Get it? Anything associated with us is considered illegitimate. They want to establish their own government, and they want to work with the Shia, but only once the Shia stop cooperating with us. So, what would be the obstacle to peace here?

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